Rating of operation condor 2
Rating of operation condor 2

At a press conference on May 17 President Maduro revealed that the country’s border had twice been violated by a Boeing 707E3 Sentry – which is used by the US Air Force to support continuous communications with armed units in conflict zones or to disable electronic equipment belonging to the government and army. Venezuela’s air-defense system has recorded an uptick in the Pentagon’s intelligence-gathering activities. US Southern Command is planning further developments on the Venezuelan front, based on this exact scenario. Russia’s Foreign Ministry responded to that order in a similar vein, «This effectively directly encourages violence and foreign interference in Venezuela’s domestic affairs». Former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe’s call for foreign troops to enter Venezuela is viewed by the Bolivarian leadership as the latest chapter in the information war «approved by Washington», in the run-up to war itself. President Obama’s executive order naming Venezuela as a country posing a threat to US national security has set off alarm bells for Bolivarian leaders. The American threat to Venezuela’s independence and sovereignty is looking much more credible. Maduro claims that Venezuela has been subjected to «media, political, and diplomatic aggression, as well as extremely serious threats over the past ten years». A strategy is implemented that would justify foreign intervention. And you know why? Because they have not been able to suppress the Bolivarian Revolution». Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro described that meeting as «conspiratorial», emphasizing that he is fully aware of what they were discussing: «They are obsessed with Venezuela. A few days ago, the State Department hosted a three-hour meeting attended by the Uruguayan OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro, who is pro-American, and the commander of US Southern Command. The Obama administration is doing all it can to plunge that country into chaos and violence, subjecting it to waves of criminal terror, starvation, and looting, trying to spark a direct military intervention. Venezuela is the primary target of the new Condor plan. At least 70,000 people were killed during the Condor operations – politicians, trade union and other public figures, journalists, diplomats, academics… The campaign was coordinated by the US secretary of state at that time, Henry Kissinger, and an International Criminal Tribunal still holds documents incriminating him. Much is known today about the active support that America’s intelligence agencies and State Department lent to those repressive operations. The codename « Condor» was first used to camouflage the widespread oppression orchestrated by military juntas in South America (mainly in Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, and Paraguay) from 1970-1980. In his speeches Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro constantly returns to the subject of the new Condor plan that the US is seeking to undertake in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Rating of operation condor 2